Why Do I Want/Need A Waiver Of Subrogation?


Two weeks ago, we cautioned against thinking that because we know the “general” law, we know the law in a particular jurisdiction. Yes, there is a lot of commonality on a broad level – if a tenant doesn’t pay the rent, it can lose its right to stay – but just what a landlord has to do (the needle it needs to thread) varies greatly from place to place. Today, we’ll give a more focused example in the context of explaining why the (misnamed) waiver of subrogation is important.

At the end of the day, who really pays the insurance premiums for the property – landlord or tenant? When a lease requires the tenant to pay or reimburse its landlord for insurance premiums, isn’t the tenant really paying the premiums? When the stated rent includes the then-existing amount of insurance premiums and the tenant pays only for increases beyond that “base” amount, isn’t the tenant really paying the premiums? Even when the stated rent is “all-in,” might it not be that the tenant is really paying the insurance premiums? [Read more…]


Waivers of Subrogation – Part 2 (It’s Free and Easy)


Last time, I tried to lay out my understanding about “What is a Waiver of Subrogation Waiver Anyway?” When I concluded that rant, I promised to explain why I think it is easy to have such a Waiver of Subrogation provision in a property insurance policy and that it is “free” and you don’t even have to ask for it. If I am right about that, then the release of claims provisions and the Waiver of Subrogation provision should be relegated to the status of “boilerplate” or nearly so. [Read more…]


What is a Waiver of Subrogation Anyway?


Does anyone else share the impression that in the more than occasional discussions between negotiators about the ubiquitous “Waiver of Subrogation” provision, one or the other should be asking himself or herself – “What is a Waiver of Subrogation Anyway?” This isn’t an issue limited to Leases or even to Retail Real Estate Law or even to real estate law. Negotiations take place about Subrogation Waivers all the time, and yet there is a feeling that some people are arguing about these provisions and don’t even know what they are. [Read more…]
