We Hold These Truths To Be Self-Evident, That All Rents Are Not Created Equal. What Does “Present Value” Mean?


Everyone knows that a dollar received today is better than a dollar received a year from now. Many realize that it is advantageous to pay a dollar a year from now rather than pay it today. That’s the “time value of money.” It is also based on a pretty good, but not guaranteed, assumption that interest rates and inflation rates will be positive. Historically, that has been a good bet.

We’ve used the word “better” in the sense that most would understand, but “better” is actually in the eyes of the beholder. It is better for the recipient to get the dollar now, but that’s not the case for the payor. [Well, we’ve gotten that out of the way.]

So, which is better when it comes to paying or receiving monthly rent for a five year lease: (a) $12 per square foot of floor area throughout the term; or (b) $10 the first year, $11 the second year, $12 the third year, $13 the fourth year, and $14 the final year? After all, $12 per square foot is right in the middle, it is the average rent “figure” over the five year term. [Read more…]
