Ruminations Goes Bowling – Scores A 300!

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300 is a pretty good score for a single bowling game. It is a score of perfection. While the same can’t be said about reaching our 300th Ruminations blog posting today, perfection not even being on our wish list, we’re pretty pleased at having reached this benchmark. Some call it ranting; we call it Ruminating, and that’s what we’ve done weekly 300 times. Why?

We love doing it because of our readers, over 2500 each week. We love doing it because of our subscribers, about 1300 of you. We love doing it because of the discussions it generates by way of comments directly to this blog site, on LinkedIn, and by various side channels. We who facilitate real estate deals, and that’s almost every one of you, are a community. We don’t need to see each other eye-to-eye, though (admittedly) we’re always thrilled to meet a reader in person, in order to know one another. We all care enough about doing better work today than we did yesterday, to share our ideas. Lurker or active correspondent – it doesn’t matter, we are all Ruminators – we all think and care about what we are doing, about what we sign our names to.

Before anyone begins to worry, this isn’t a farewell, not even close. It isn’t that easy to get rid of us. This is a reminiscence. Week after week, we dig for something fresh. Most of the time it is easy; sometimes it isn’t. We try not to cover old ground, though we may revisit some issues. Frankly, we’re not sure old ground shouldn’t be covered. After all, when we started in 2011, we had zero subscribers. So, not everyone reading this today has seen all of the 299 earlier postings. In fact, there are probably only two of us who have – this author and Roe, his loyal assistant of more than 43 years. Going forward, we’ll probably lace our postings with fresh writings about topics previously covered. Not quite second-hand material – more like “old to us, new to you.”

So, no substance today while we celebrate the past and Ruminate about the future. We’ll resume next week; we’ll resume our mix of law, practice, and process. We’ll continue to look out for court decisions that can inform the way we ought to be doing our jobs. We’ll continue to look out for changes in laws or standards so ask to keep ourselves and our readers ahead of the curve. But, most importantly, we’ll continue to cherish our readers, collectively and individually. Thank you for being there and thank you for the tremendous support you have shown for Ruminations.


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